Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development

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How Can I Get Free Money? Four Basic Steps of the Grant Application Process

We get asked all the time how to get “free money” in the form of grants for on-farm projects. The answer is pretty simple: there is no free money. While grants can be a helpful way to fund worthwhile projects on the farm, there is a lot of work that goes into receiving a grant. 

Here are some of the key steps of the grant application process: 

  1. Start by figuring out what your project is. This should ideally be something that will have a helpful lasting impact on your farm business. You also need to have an idea of how much the project will cost and what your expected timeline is. 

  2. See if there is a grant that fits your needs. Most grants are very particular in what type of projects they will fund and who is eligible to apply. As you browse, make sure that you and your project are eligible for the grant and that the grant amount is suitable for your budget. Some grants also require a match, whether cash or in-kind, so make sure you understand what your contribution would need to be.  Also know that grants funding certain expenses – such as land – are rare, if they exist at all.  To see what grants are available, you can check out our Active Grants webpage and sign up for our Funding Matters newsletter. 

  3. Complete the application. Grant applications require a lot of detailed information about your farm and your project. Typically, you’ll need to have price estimates of related supplies, a proposed timeline, and any supplemental documentation that the grant requires (a business plan, financial projections, etc.). Make sure you start the application with plenty of time before the deadline so you have time to deal with any questions or technology issues that might arise. 

  4. You got the grant… now what? Now it’s time for paperwork! You’ll have to do reporting throughout the grant timeline to demonstrate progress on the project. You have to keep relevant receipts and submit for reimbursement.  

Grants fund different priorities for their programs and can help agricultural producers with eligible expenses, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy process. To stay up to date on current grant opportunities, you can sign up for our Funding Matters newsletter HERE and check out our Active Grants webpage HERE. KCARD’s Grant Facilitation Program offers assistance with navigating grant applications; if you’re in need of assistance, you can contact us at or (859) 550-3972.