Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development

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Celebrating Kentucky Grown Cut Flower Month with Eden Roots Flower Farm

July is Kentucky Grown Cut Flower Month, so we’re celebrating with a spotlight on Eden Roots Flower Farm!

Eden Roots Flower Farm is a small cut flower farm owned by Sarah Torgerson in Simpsonville, Kentucky that offers homegrown cut flowers for retail and wholesale, as well as arrangements for small events. Sarah’s interest in flowers started in middle school when she started helping at her family’s garden center each summer, and she continued to expand her floral knowledge in high school through floral design classes. She went on to become a nurse practitioner but mentions that her lifelong dream remained. It finally came true when she got the opportunity to start the flower farm part-time and eventually, Sarah transitioned to flower farming full-time. 

Sarah was in her second year of flower farming in 2020 when she attended an educational marketing event and was introduced to KCARD. From there, she worked on a business plan and financial projections with KCARD Business Development Specialist Kellie Padgett. According to Sarah, the process was pivotal to growing her business and applying for grants, and it was extremely helpful to talk through marketing strategies with someone who was experienced.  “Most people don’t naturally know how to start a business and be successful, so working with someone who has experience is important,” Sarah says. 

Kellie also helped Sarah develop financial recordkeeping spreadsheets, which have continued to be useful year by year as the business grows. Sarah notes that the assistance she received “helped the farm business grow in a way that I’m not sure would have been possible otherwise.”  

Now, Sarah is continuing to grow Eden Roots and is also working with KCARD’s Brent Lackey to develop the Kentucky Flower Market, a group of Kentucky cut flower farmers selling together in one place.