Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development

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Q&A with KCARD: Talking to Your Employees

Question:  I’m still not sure how COVID-19 is going to affect my farm business.  I have 5 employees and I don’t know what to tell them if anything.  What do I tell my employees?

Your employees already know this is not a normal spring season. Clearly communicating your plans and decisions will help them avoid assuming the worst and enable them to plan for the coming weeks.

  • Develop a policy for workplace health and safety based on CDC guidance, found here:

  • Share that policy with your staff and talk with them about it.  You do not have to be an expert.  Just walk through each point. 

  • Figure out how many people you need to work in the coming weeks.  If you expect to reduce hours or reduce the number of staff on hand, go ahead and have that conversation with employees now. No one wants to lay off employees, but it may be the only way to reduce operating costs during this time period.

  • Consider keeping a key employee involved in the business.  Do you have an employee that is your go-to person?  Maybe that person earns a little more, but they can perform multiple functions and are able to do integral parts of your business.  Keeping them on payroll may make it easier to ramp back up when the time comes.

  • Talk to your employees about their needs.  With school and daycare closures, some employees may need reduced hours or accommodations to work less or from home.

Lack of communication with employees can create fear and uncertainty during a time that is already overwhelming to many.  By having a plan and timely communication with employees, you can keep from adding to the anxiety. For assistance in developing a plan of action for your business, contact us today at or at 859-550-3972.