business challenges

Fear of Missing Out - The Business Version

Fear of Missing Out - The Business Version

FOMO. Yet another acronym that I had to learn from someone much younger than me. FOMO = Fear of Missing Out. It’s the term associated with people incessantly checking their phones, worried about missing out on the latest news about a celebrity, politics, an earthquake on the other side of the world, your friends’ vacation pics or missing out on experiencing something they are only learning about because of the phone in their hand.

Q&A with KCARD: Talking to Your Employees

Q&A with KCARD:  Talking to Your Employees

Question: I’m still not sure how COVID-19 is going to affect my farm business. I have 5 employees and I don’t know what to tell them if anything. What do I tell my employees?

Your employees already know this is not a normal spring season. Clearly communicating your plans and decisions will help them avoid assuming the worst and enable them to plan for the coming weeks.

Q&A with KCARD: Managing Cash Flow During a Crisis

Q&A with KCARD:  Managing Cash Flow During a Crisis

Question: How do I manage cash flow when I’m concerned about the effect of reduced travel/walk-in traffic on my business?

Answer:  The next two weeks and the next two months are going to be critical for many small businesses as we all figure out what the eventual impact will be. Click to read about a few rules of thumb for businesses.

Coronavirus and the Small Business – What Do You Do?

Coronavirus and the Small Business – What Do You Do?

Coronavirus is a new challenge to our healthcare system and all of us are learning as we go. However, good practices on crisis management apply here just like they do with other crises. KCARD will be providing additional Q&A posts about how to handle the specific problems we are hearing from businesses with whom we work with, so stay tuned.