business management

Aligning Personal and Business Goals for Success

Aligning Personal and Business Goals for Success

KCARD works with a lot of farmers and business owners. Some are happy with their business, some are happy with their personal life, but the ones that are happiest with both aspects have found a way to align their personal goals with the goals that they have for the business. Sometimes, that means stepping back from their business and acknowledging that the plans that they once had for the business no longer match their current lives.

New Methods of Accepting Payments Online

New Methods of Accepting Payments Online

The name of the game these days is social distance. So how do you accept payments from customers without getting closer than six feet or having to handle cash? Digital wallets are financial accounts that allow users to store funds, make transactions, and track payment histories by computer or phone. Here are some of the most popular options that will allow you to take payments without having to get a credit card reader (and some that connect with Square).

Q&A with KCARD: Talking to Your Employees

Q&A with KCARD:  Talking to Your Employees

Question: I’m still not sure how COVID-19 is going to affect my farm business. I have 5 employees and I don’t know what to tell them if anything. What do I tell my employees?

Your employees already know this is not a normal spring season. Clearly communicating your plans and decisions will help them avoid assuming the worst and enable them to plan for the coming weeks.