revenue assumptions

Financial Projections: Looking into a More Reliable Crystal Ball to Make Decisions

Financial Projections: Looking into a More Reliable Crystal Ball to Make Decisions

In our blog post a few weeks ago, we took a look at how you develop initial revenue assumptions for a new business. In this post, let’s talk about an existing business and how we help that business develop financial projections. Why bother with developing projections? You know they are going to be wrong, right? Sure. Projections will almost certainly not be exactly correct because so many factors go into what will happen to reach a sales number or expense number.

How Much Am I Going to Make? Developing Revenue Assumptions

How Much Am I Going to Make?  Developing Revenue Assumptions

To prepare financial projections for a new business, you have to be able to come up with a way to calculate expected revenue. I have had conversations with people who insist that there is no way to come up with such a number and really struggle with this. How do you calculate your expected revenue for the next year to three years?