beef production

Roaring Shoals Farm: Providing Local Beef from Pasture to Plate

Roaring Shoals Farm: Providing Local Beef from Pasture to Plate

For Beef Month in Kentucky, we’re highlighting Roaring Shoals Farm! Roaring Shoals Farm is a small Black Angus beef farm in Breathitt County, owned and operated by Erik and Amy Holbrook. Both raised on farms in Breathitt County, Erik and Amy take pride in raising grain-finished, dry-aged beef that is born and raised on the farm.  

Direct to Consumer Beef Webinar Series Takeaways

Direct to Consumer Beef Webinar Series Takeaways

In mid-July we hosted the “Direct-to-Consumer Beef Webinar Series” with several partners including the University of Kentucky Department of Animal and Sciences, Kentucky Beef Council, and several others. We offered this series to respond to the conversation and education around proper production, processing, business development, marketing, and sales for finished beef. We’ve pulled together a few of the noteworthy takeaways from the webinar series.