kcard team

Looking back: How Larry Snell set the trajectory for KCARD's success

Looking back: How Larry Snell set the trajectory for KCARD's success

Larry Snell rarely had the opportunity to look back over his ten years as KCARD’s Executive Director while he was serving in that role. He was working too hard at the time to lay the foundation for an organization that would evolve to fit the changing demands of Kentucky agriculture. KCARD recently caught up with Larry, now retired.

Job Opening: Client Coordinator/ Project Assistant

Job Opening: Client Coordinator/ Project Assistant

The Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development is hiring an individual to assist the KCARD team in its work with agricultural and rural-based businesses seeking KCARD services. This position will support KCARD’s work with these businesses and provide the individual with an opportunity to learn business development and advance to other positions.

Highlighting KY Local Food Expansion Initiative

Highlighting KY Local Food Expansion Initiative

With the Kentucky Local Food Systems Summit starting tomorrow (you can still register here!), we wanted to spotlight KCARD’s Kentucky Local Food System Expansion Initiative. Launched in 2020, the initiative works collaboratively with partners to assist Kentucky local food farmers and buyers in sales and sourcing of local food. Below are some common questions about the Initiative.