manage cash flow

New Methods of Accepting Payments Online

New Methods of Accepting Payments Online

The name of the game these days is social distance. So how do you accept payments from customers without getting closer than six feet or having to handle cash? Digital wallets are financial accounts that allow users to store funds, make transactions, and track payment histories by computer or phone. Here are some of the most popular options that will allow you to take payments without having to get a credit card reader (and some that connect with Square).

Q&A with KCARD: Managing Cash Flow During a Crisis

Q&A with KCARD:  Managing Cash Flow During a Crisis

Question: How do I manage cash flow when I’m concerned about the effect of reduced travel/walk-in traffic on my business?

Answer:  The next two weeks and the next two months are going to be critical for many small businesses as we all figure out what the eventual impact will be. Click to read about a few rules of thumb for businesses.