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New Methods of Accepting Payments Online

New Methods of Accepting Payments Online

The name of the game these days is social distance. So how do you accept payments from customers without getting closer than six feet or having to handle cash? Digital wallets are financial accounts that allow users to store funds, make transactions, and track payment histories by computer or phone. Here are some of the most popular options that will allow you to take payments without having to get a credit card reader (and some that connect with Square).

Q&A with KCARD: Turning New Customers into Regulars

Q&A with KCARD: Turning New Customers into Regulars

If you’re in the business of selling local food right now, you might be in a unique situation with an uptick in sales and an increase in new customers. We are hearing from businesses that they are getting orders from folks who have never purchased food anywhere other than the grocery store, who suddenly want to buy in bulk from a local farmer. New customers can be a lot of work. You can spend a lot of time and energy patiently giving answers to endless questions. Here are 3 tips on how to turn a new customer into a regular.