
Hashtags 101

Hashtags 101

Have you heard of a hashtag? A hashtag is an online tagging device used on certain social media platforms. Using hashtags helps others easily find content centered on a certain theme or subject. A hashtag starts with the number (#) symbol followed by a series of words. Placing the hashtag symbol before the words will automatically turn the phrase into a searchable link.

Expanding Your Social Media Presence

Expanding Your Social Media Presence

If you are not on social media or are not actively engaging your fans and followers, you are missing out on potential customers and interactions to build your brand. Social media is now more “social” than ever and people who are now homebound are spending more and more time on it. So how do you ramp up your activity to reach customers?

Next Level Facebook Marketing – Leveraging Post Boosts, Ads, and Going Live

Next Level Facebook Marketing – Leveraging Post Boosts, Ads, and Going Live

Facebook – it’s one of the best free tools you have to promote your market and reach current and new customers. It’s also constantly changing. In 2018, Facebook changed their algorithm used to show posts on users’ news feeds to make it more community oriented. With the new changes, how can you bring awareness to your market while promoting content? Leverage Facebook’s post boosts, ads, and the ability to go live to help you reach audiences that might not be aware of your market and help “advertise” your market to new customers.