small business

Email Marketing 101: What is it? Why it’s Important to Your Business.

Email Marketing 101: What is it? Why it’s Important to Your Business.

Did you know that the average email subscriber receives about 13 commercial emails each day? How does your business break through that fog of emails to reach your customer? We’ve included a few tips below to help you get started, in addition to these marketing basics.

Q&A with KCARD: Managing Cash Flow During a Crisis

Q&A with KCARD:  Managing Cash Flow During a Crisis

Question: How do I manage cash flow when I’m concerned about the effect of reduced travel/walk-in traffic on my business?

Answer:  The next two weeks and the next two months are going to be critical for many small businesses as we all figure out what the eventual impact will be. Click to read about a few rules of thumb for businesses.

Is a Cooperative the Right Choice?

Is a Cooperative the Right Choice?

KCARD is often contacted by individuals and groups that have a business idea and are interested in forming a cooperative. A cooperative can be a great choice and we help people form cooperatives all the time, but many times the cooperative business structure is misunderstood and people have the wrong idea about what a cooperative is and when it is the right business structure.

KCARD Grant Workshop Time is Here Again!

KCARD Grant Workshop Time is Here Again!

Our 2018 Grant Workshop season is about to begin. KCARD's Agribusiness Grant Facilitation Program will be hosting five Grant Workshops this season. The workshops will cover a broad range of funding opportunities for farmers, agribusinesses, and non-profits that support agriculture in Kentucky.

Next Level Facebook Marketing – Leveraging Post Boosts, Ads, and Going Live

Next Level Facebook Marketing – Leveraging Post Boosts, Ads, and Going Live

Facebook – it’s one of the best free tools you have to promote your market and reach current and new customers. It’s also constantly changing. In 2018, Facebook changed their algorithm used to show posts on users’ news feeds to make it more community oriented. With the new changes, how can you bring awareness to your market while promoting content? Leverage Facebook’s post boosts, ads, and the ability to go live to help you reach audiences that might not be aware of your market and help “advertise” your market to new customers.