social media marketing

3 Tips to Maximize Your Social Media Presence

3 Tips to Maximize Your Social Media Presence

Your online presence is a key part of your marketing plan. You can use your social media pages to build your brand awareness, develop relationships with customers, and even to make sales. Though each social media network is different and has a specific algorithm, here are three tips to maximize your social media presence across your platforms.

Marketing Series: Customer Retention

Marketing Series: Customer Retention

Consumer trends changed drastically when the coronavirus hit. You probably have customers who never thought of purchasing local until it became a necessity. While stores, restaurants, and other businesses are opening back up, many consumer trends are sticking around. Keeping those new customers around will be key for sustaining the growth your business has had the past six months. So how do you keep your new customer coming back again and again? Here are five tips to keep your customers.

Pivoting Your Marketing During Changing Times

Pivoting Your Marketing During Changing Times

If you are like many business owners, the coronavirus pandemic has turned your world upside down. Your cash flow or product availability might have changed, which means you might have to change up other pieces of your business, such as your marketing strategy. Now is not the time to cut your marketing budget or marketing efforts. Why? With so much uncertainty now, you need to reassure your customers that you are here for them and that your business isn’t going anywhere. Check out five tips to pivot your marketing during changing times.

Consumer Trends – Now and Going into Fall

Consumer Trends – Now and Going into Fall

Due to COVID, consumers are changing the way they are buying and what they are buying. While many consumers are settling into learning to live with the reality of COVID, the impact of the pandemic has left more lasting effects on the way consumers are shopping, and what is important to them. What does that mean for you? In this post, we discuss 3 major themes in consumer trends that are projected to continue into fall.

Hashtags 101

Hashtags 101

Have you heard of a hashtag? A hashtag is an online tagging device used on certain social media platforms. Using hashtags helps others easily find content centered on a certain theme or subject. A hashtag starts with the number (#) symbol followed by a series of words. Placing the hashtag symbol before the words will automatically turn the phrase into a searchable link.