online marketing

Hashtags 101

Hashtags 101

Have you heard of a hashtag? A hashtag is an online tagging device used on certain social media platforms. Using hashtags helps others easily find content centered on a certain theme or subject. A hashtag starts with the number (#) symbol followed by a series of words. Placing the hashtag symbol before the words will automatically turn the phrase into a searchable link.

Social Selling – What it means to your online marketing

Social Selling – What it means to your online marketing

Chances are you are already doing some social selling if you have a Facebook business page, Instagram business page, or professional Twitter page. So, what is social selling? It is the art of using social media to find, connect with, understand, and nurture sales prospects. In short, it is the modern way to connect with current and potential customers to develop meaningful relationships. The goal with social selling is to bring value to your customer by anticipating their needs rather than just spamming them with “buy now” posts. We’ve put together some best practices to include with your social selling strategy.

New Ways to Collaborate

New Ways to Collaborate

With restrictions on in-person sales and the challenges many markets are now facing, it is more important than ever to collaborate with neighbors and fellow producers. Collaboration can open new doors such as new customers, new retail locations, or the ability to sell online. We have listed a few ways you can collaborate with neighboring growers to give new and existing customers access to your products.

Expanding Your Social Media Presence

Expanding Your Social Media Presence

If you are not on social media or are not actively engaging your fans and followers, you are missing out on potential customers and interactions to build your brand. Social media is now more “social” than ever and people who are now homebound are spending more and more time on it. So how do you ramp up your activity to reach customers?

Dealing with the Crank - Part 2

Dealing with the Crank - Part 2

Two weeks ago we talked about dealing with the crank in person - that person that leaves a bad review, yells at your staff, decides to leave and never come back and tells all their friends to do the same. What happens when the person complains online?

Eastern Kentucky Farmer Conference coming up February 28-29, 2020 in Morehead, KY

Eastern Kentucky Farmer Conference coming up February 28-29, 2020 in Morehead, KY

The 4th Annual Eastern Kentucky Farmer Conference is taking place February 28 and 29, 2020 at the Morehead Convention Center in Morehead, KY. Topics for this year’s conference include high tunnel production, GAP and post handling practices, selling in today’s digital market, small fruits production, understanding your processor, no-till vegetable production, livestock management, and many more that you won’t want to miss.